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Jeux Music – Jeux gratuits en ligne pour vous divertir - Mini jeux gratuits pour jouer et vous divertir pendant votre temps perdu ! jeux-music.com

Mini jeux gratuits pour jouer et vous divertir pendant votre temps perdu !

Tags: SpaceRun

STANZA || Artwork made by the British artist Stanza. Digital installations, sculpture, painting, and software systems. stanza.co.uk

Dr Steve Tanza. Stanza digital artist makes installations, sculpture, painting and software systems about the real time city, surveillance, the internet of things. Art has been shown at The Venice Biennale, Bruges Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum. Recipient of Nesta Dreatime Award, AHRC creative fellowship and 24 art prizes. Recurring themes throughout his career include, the urban landscape, surveillance culture, privacy and alienation in the city. All artworks on this site by Stanza

Tags: SpaceArtist

NOTCOT.ORG notcot.org

Tags: SpaceArtist

Artists Art Space 2000 Gallery of Fine Art and Artists artspace2000.com

Professional artists, photographers and sculptures

Tags: SpaceArtist

Accueil - SPACEJUNK ART CENTERS spacejunk.tv

Spacejunk est un réseau unique de centres d'art dédié au Street art, au Lowbrow ainsi qu'au Pop Surrealism.Spacejunk is a unique network dedicated to the Street art, Lowbrow and Pop Surrealism movements.

Tags: ArtistThomas
Mots-clés analysés
Öztrük Villeval Thüring Thomas Steinfels Span­gen­berg Space Sohr Sili­con­mal­ley Silicon Schattling Röthlis­ber­ger Run Margnet­ti Lenanton Lavoyer Ivialley Hon­kasa­lo Gara­vag­lia Essyad Ehinger Dinbergs Coullard Chris­ti­son Ch Canesson Cagnin Baccag­lio Artist Akeret